Our workday seems like it never ends, then we go home, tend to the house, spend a few minutes with the family, answer some emails, and if we’re lucky, get some much-needed sleep. Then we do it all over again the next day. Does this sound like your normal day? Unfortunately, it’s an all too familiar scenario we all seem to face. In the middle of this “down time”, the phone rings, or there’s a knock on the door, or something in the mail asking us to donate to some worthy cause. There are so many people who are in need, so many causes to support, so many organizations trying to do good. How do you decide who will get your attention?
Many of us already have a few pet causes, be it church, animal welfare, or at-risk children. But writing a check may not be enough…not for the organization and not for you. Getting actively involved in a cause can be highly rewarding, and yes, time-consuming too. But there are lots of reasons to volunteer your time. Some are altruistic; some more self-serving. Giving back to the community, trying to make a difference in the world, leveraging your skills in other ways, or trying to add new skills for yourself are all good reasons. There’s no guilt in deriving personal satisfaction from doing volunteer work or contributing to worthy causes. After all, they get something and you get something in return.
We just said you’re already tired from work and other responsibilities, how can anyone expect to add to that by volunteering? Believe it or not, volunteering can add mental and physical value to your life. It is proven to reduce stress and can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. You’ll be in a better mood, be happier, be more optimistic, as well as have an all-around better attitude about life. You will meet and socialize with people in different circles, gain valuable experience to be used in your professional life, and ultimately make a difference. Seems like a lot of upside for you, in exchange for giving back to the community.
No matter what your passion is or where you feel like you can make the biggest impact by volunteering your time, pick a cause, get involved, and know that serving others is one of life’s highest callings. If you need help finding the right place for you, there are lots of sites that help match volunteers to opportunities. Try VolunteerMatch.org, Idealist.org, or HandsOn Network, to name a few.
By John P. Savas
Photo credit: Viktor Hanacek